On 14th of May VHS held a conference in Glasgow to explore good practice in volunteering where it is delivered by NHS and third sector working together.
The conference was sponsored by the Scottish Government, with a closing address by the Minister for Public Health, Sport and Wellbeing, Joe Fitzpatrick MSP. 11 exhibitors and 145 delegates and speakers took part, from across a wide range of volunteer involving organisations in the third sector and NHS. Responding to the Survey Monkey sent out after the conference, 100% of respondents said that the conference had strengthened their interest in collaboration between NHS and third sector in relation to volunteering and 89% said it had improved their knowledge and understanding about NHS and third sector approaches to volunteering in health. There was high praise for the networking, presentations, table discussions and parallel sessions held during the day, and our photo slide show at the bottom of this post is a testament to a lively and engaging day.
Key Messages, Valuing and Sustaining Volunteering in Health
Presentations from the day:
Alan Bigham, Health Improvement Scotland
Matthew Linning, Volunteer Scotland
Joe Fitzpatrick MSP, Minister for Public Health, Sport and Wellbeing
Parallel session presentations:
Stuart McLellan and Craig Hunter, Scottish Ambulance Service
Maggie Byers Smith, NHS Lothian
Sandie Dickson, The State Hospital
Conference Blogs:
Alison’s Blog: Partnership and Collaboration
Helen’s Blog: Time to Celebrate – Volunteering for All
Susan’s Blog: Tackling the Inverse Volunteering Law
Lisa’s Blog: Volunteering at The Victoria Hospice
View a slideshow of our fantastic event photos, by clicking the photo below
We would like to thank the event exhibitors and supporters: