VHS is a registered Scottish charity (SC035482) and a company limited by guarantee (SC267315). We have an Edinburgh based staff team and are governed by our Board of Directors and Trustees. Read about our governance.
To find out about Board membership, volunteering and internship opportunities, contact Tejesh Mistry
Staff team
Tejesh Mistry, Chief Executive
E: tejesh.mistry@vhscotland.org.uk
Tejesh joined VHS as Chief Executive in March 2024. Tejesh has a wealth of experience, working as Director of External Affairs at Venture Trust for 4 years until August 2023; and was Interim Director for Voluntary Action South Lanarkshire (VASLan), a Third Sector Interface. Tejesh previously held senior roles with the Royal Voluntary Service and with Cycling UK where he led behaviour change programmes to reduce loneliness and to improve physical and mental wellbeing. He was appointed to the Board of Sport Scotland in April 2022.
Lauren Blair, Events and Engagement Lead
E: lauren.blair@vhscotland.org.uk
Lauren has over 20 years’ experience managing high-profile engagement and events. Lauren takes an operational overview, aligning multiple objectives to ensure impactful and optimal outcomes from every event. Her role is to lead on strategic develop our programme of events and the delivery of the communications and membership function within the organisation. As a national intermediary organisation, VHS’s role is to ensure that the voices and experiences of those facing the worst health outcomes in Scotland are included and reflected in current and future national policies and strategies. A key area of Lauren’s work is managing the Cross Party Group on Health Inequalities in the Scottish Parliament. Since Lauren joined VHS in 2015, she has been fundamental to establishing VHS as a dynamic and well-respected leader within the Third Sector in Scotland.
Roisin Hurst, Project Manager (Scottish Community Link Worker Network)
E: roisin.hurst@vhscotland.org.uk
Roisin joined VHS as Network Development Officer in 2021, on secondment from Edinburgh Voluntary Organisations Council (EVOC). Roisin has successfully established the Scottish Community Link Worker Network, the national network and community of practice for Community Link Workers in primary care practices in Scotland. Roisin is now working full time with us as the Project Manager for the Network.
Kellie Thomson, Communications & Membership Officer
E: kellie.thomson@vhscotland.org.uk
Kellie joined the VHS team in October 2023. Her role as Communications and Membership Officer involves helping maintain and grow our membership base, deliver a range of VHS communications; including the website and social media and support the teams events programmes. Kellie has a background in marketing and publishing and has worked for the private and charity sector, including a carer’s advocacy charity in Edinburgh and an international aid charity in Australia.