We are a network of networks that includes our Health Policy Officers Network and the Scottish Community Link Workers Network.
Networking and collaboration are core to our values and fundamental to how we work. Being an influential voice and platform for the voluntary health sector means using our leverage as a trusted intermediary and sectoral leader to effect change. So we use our convening power for the good, building and sustaining relationships, and creating and contributing to key networks and collaborations across the third and public sectors. We work hard to bring seldom heard voices into national conversations, and we value and respect all our members and other stakeholders.
Our own member organisations and associate members form our core network. Find out more about membership.
Specific networks developed and run by us include:
- The Health Policy Officers Network – our peer group of health policy officers in voluntary organisations. For more information, contact mail@vhscotland.org.uk
- The Scottish Community Link Workers Network – the national network for primary care link working in Scotland. For more information, contact Roisin Hurst
- The Cross Party Group on Health Inequalities. Since 2015 we have been the Secretary for the Scottish Parliament’s CPG on Health Inequalities, a cross-sectoral group that exists to improve parliamentary awareness and understanding about health inequalities and their solutions. For more information, contact Lauren Blair