Waverley Care is Scotland’s leading HIV and hepatitis C charity. They are guided by the experiences of the people they work with, from shaping the services they deliver to influencing national policy around sexual health and blood borne viruses.
Their vision is for a Scotland where anyone living with or at risk of HIV can expect to be treated with acceptance, support and respect.
Online Information and Advice
Waverley care offers accurate and up to date information on HIV, hepatitis B, hepatitis C and sexual health. In addition to tailored health and wellbeing advice for communities most affected by HIV and hepatitis C, they also provide a live chat service to provide answers to any questions. Click here to visit our information and advice section.
Find out more about all the services that Waverley Care offers here.
13 Oxgangs Road North Edinburgh
EH14 1EB
Phone: 0131 558 1425
Website: https://www.waverleycare.org/
Charity No: SC036500