Street Assist operates every Friday and Saturday from 22.00 to 04.00 providing a non-judgmental welfare/first aid service to help people who have become vulnerable during the busy Night-Time Economy hours. Their aim is to support our emergency services and reduce the number of people presenting at Accident and Emergency (A&E) unnecessarily for intoxication and minor injuries. They have 150 volunteers who have committed to the project from many backgrounds including people who work in the health/care professions, students studying relevant subjects where volunteering with helps to gain the public facing experience required for their future employment, people looking for experience to help them join the emergency services and many others who just want to contribute and make a difference.
Street Assist provide support to people who have presented to us during their moment of crisis, mostly people who have over consumed (drink & drugs), spiking, suffering from mental health issues, victims of assault, sexual assault, domestic assault. They have helped in finding people who have been reported missing, people who have lost their friends, helped people recharge their phones, reunite them with their lost friends with the aim of making sure people don’t come to further harm and that we can organise a safe route home for them.
c/o Society Hall, Gilmerton Community Centre
27 Drum Street
EH17 8RG
Phone: 0131 664 3411
Charity No: SCO47327