See Me is Scotland’s Programme to tackle mental health stigma and discrimination. We are funded by Scottish Government and managed by SAMH and The Mental Health Foundation.
We’re working towards achievement of The Scottish Government’s commitment to create:
A Scotland where people can get the right help at the right time, expect recovery, and fully enjoy their rights, free from stigma and discrimination.
Tackling stigma and discrimination and addressing the barriers they create must be central to any action to improve mental health. Doing so creates the best conditions for mental wellbeing, preventative action and early intervention, for personalised support, care and treatment and for recovery.
We are encouraging people to take action to make a difference. You can be part of that change by joining a movement of thousands of people across Scotland.
Brunswick House
51 Wilson Street
G1 1UZ
Phone: 0141 530 1111
Charity No: SC-008897