Epilepsy Connections provides services that support people with epilepsy, their family, friends and carers, as well as the professionals working with them in the Greater Glasgow & Clyde, Forth Valley, and Ayrshire and Arran health board areas.
Our vision: we want everyone affected by epilepsy to have the support, resilience and respect they need to live life to the full.
Our mission: we walk alongside people affected by epilepsy, providing vital support and encouragement so that they can live well and have their voices heard.
Suites 129-134 Baltic Chambers
50 Wellington Street
G2 6HJ
Phone: Glasgow: 0141 248 4125 Forth Valley: 01324 673 750 Ayrshire & Arran: 07585 570 466
Website: https://www.epilepsyconnections.org.uk/