On 14th of September VHS held a conference, ‘Volunteering the Golden Thread in Health’, which brought together over 120 delegates to discuss volunteering by third sector organisations in an NHS setting. The conference is a milestone in VHS’s Clear Pathway Project, which is a collaborative piece of work that is developing guidance to support safe, effective and person centred volunteering in NHS settings, with the focus on volunteers recruited and managed by third sector organisations.
You can read the full key messages report here:
Key Messages Volunteering The Golden Thread 14 September 2017
Presentations from the conference.
Building a Shared Agenda:
Claire Stevens Voluntary Health Scotland
Alan Bigham Scottish Health Council
Joanna Swanson Scottish Government
Game Changing Ideas and Innovation:
Jane Ferguson, Jullie Tran Graham & Chris Burghes
Workshop Presentations:
Safe Workshop – Disclosure Scotland
Effective Workshop – Volunteer Edinburgh & NHS Lothian
Person Centred Workshop – NHS Tayside & Dundee Voluntary Action
Transcript of the Cabinet Secretary’s speech:
Cabinet Secretary for Health and Sport Keynote Address