Voluntary Health Scotland held our annual conference and AGM on Wednesday the 11th of November in Edinburgh.
The purpose of the conference was to make Scotland’s health inequalities a much greater priority for policy and interventions, to inform VHS’s future work and to promote a partnership approach. Our 126 delegates were drawn from the third sector, NHS and other parts of the public sector. The day included presentations from public and voluntary sector perspectives, a political discussion panel and round table discussions. Our Chair was Trisha McAuley, whose task was to ensure everyone present took responsibility for make the closing of the health inequalities gap ‘my business’ as well as ‘our business’.
VHS would like to thank NHS Health Scotland for their support as conference sponsor.
Key Messages Report: Key messages from VHS Annual Conference 11 November 2015
Conference Presentations: VHS Annual Conference- All Presentations
Blogs on Closing the Gap:
Blog by Katie Macintosh- Tell your Story
Blog by Claire Stevens- How to Actively Suppress Health Inequalities
Blog by Frances Simpson–Health Inequalities: A Glimmer of Hope?
You can join in the conversation online using the conference #ClosingtheGap2015 and share how you are making tackling health inequalities your business.
You can also ready the Storify of all the top tweets from there conference, here: sfy.co/r10LX
For more information about Closing the Gap Conference please contact Lauren Blair