VHS hosted an engagement event with the Scottish Government on the 9th of February to discuss the recently published digital health and care strategy which commits to the development of Scotland’s first ever dedicated Data Strategy. It’s important that people are at the heart of any developments and that trust is built in how our data is stored and used.
The working vision of the Strategy is to ensure health and care data supports the delivery of health and social care services, and to ensure it does so in a way that empowers the citizens and supports innovation and research. Citizens should have access to and control over, their own health and care data – including the ability to view and update information contained.
The strategy will also aim to outline how health and care services can be better integrated and built on people-centred approaches where staff can record, access and share relevant data across the health and social care system to support people’s care. The third and independent sector health and care providers are at the heart of this work, recognising the importance of data flow for the integration agenda.
The meeting was chaired by VHS Chief Executive, Claire Stevens and we heard from Nel Whiting, Policy Lead for Participation & Engagement in the Directorate for Digital Health & Care at the Scottish Government.
View the event Briefing Paper – Data Strategy
View the PowerPoint Presentation here.
Please contact Lauren Blair if you have any questions.