Digital Inclusion for Health was a VHS project that supported voluntary health organisations to exploit the power of the web and promote their services to more people.
Digital Inclusion for Health website
A good accessible web presence can raise awareness of what you do. It makes what you do accessible to more people and you can signpost potential users to your service. You improve your visibility to public sector partners, including the NHS.
In 2013 VHS partnered with the workers’ cooperative design agency graphics.coop to offer ten small voluntary health organisations a complete web development package. This included technical and design support. Thanks to Scottish Government funding, we were able to provide all of this free of charge.
The ten organisations started off either with no website or with a poor website, held back from improvement by a lack of technical skills, time and money. With the help of Digital Inclusion for Health each organisation developed a simple, economic and workable website and was given training and support to manage its content for the first year.
This project ended in December 2014.
[…] delighted to announce that, as part of Voluntary Health Scotland’s Digital Inclusion for Health project, we’ve been awarded the chance to have a new website designed for us by the […]