The Cross Party Group on Health Inequalities met on 26th October 2017 for its first AGM this Parliamentary session.
VHS have produced a summary of the meetings from 2016-2017- CPG Health Inequalities Summary Annual Review 2016-17
At the AGM, Members re-appointed VHS as Secretariat and re-elected the Co-Convenors as:
Donald Cameron MSP
Clare Haughey MSP
Anas Sarwar MSP
After the AGM the Group heard from Mona Vaghafian, Public Affairs Officer at Cancer Research UK, who gave a presentation on the scale of obesity in Scotland and the link with cancer, why obesity is more common in deprived communities, and what opportunities there are to address the problem. Discussion and questions followed.
Draft minutes will be available shortly on the Scottish Parliament website, but meantime the draft can be viewed here:
DRAFT Minutes Health Inequalities CPG 261017
Future meetings
1pm, Thursday 7th December 2017
1pm, Thursday 25 January 2018
1pm, Thursday 3rd May 2018
Contact Lauren Blair to confirm your attendance at the meetings or to be added to the mailing list: