ASH Scotland is the leading charity campaigning for effective tobacco control legislation in Scotland. One of our organisational aims is to work closely with partners in the voluntary and community sector, to address issues of inequality that relate to tobacco use.
To help progress work in this area, we are offering free awareness-raising sessions to organisations throughout Scotland at a venue and time of their choice. Sessions usually last no longer than one hour, so can be a stand-alone event or embedded into other events (e.g. team meetings, development days).
The purpose of tobacco awareness-raising sessions is to:
- raise awareness of the issues and inequalities some communities across Scotland face in relation to tobacco and health
- encourage staff to think about the impact that tobacco use might be having on their service users
- consider if/when it might be appropriate to raise the issue of tobacco and smoking with service users
- address any fears and concerns staff might have about raising the issue
- discuss how/when/where to implement tobacco and/or smoke-free policies in the workplace
If you would like to find out more about how an awareness-raising session can be tailored to your organisation’s needs, please contact us via or on 0131 225 4725.