Sounding Board for voluntary health organisations
Monday 22 July 2013, 12-3.30pm, Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB
Open invitation to free event – sandwich lunch included
The Scottish Parliament’s Health and Sport Committee has issued a call for written evidence as part of its scrutiny of the Bill that will integrate adult health and social care.
Stakeholders are asked to respond to the Committee’s following questions by 2nd August 2013:
- Do you agree with the general principles of the Bill and its provisions?
- To what extent do you believe that the approach being proposed in the Bill will achieve its stated policy objectives?
- Please indicate which, if any, aspects of the Bill’s policy objectives you would consider as key strengths
- Please provide details of any areas in which you feel the Bill’s provisions could be strengthened
- What are the efficiencies and benefits that you anticipate will arise for your organisation from the delivery of integration plans?
- What effect do you anticipate integration plans will have on outcomes for those receiving services?
Building on the momentum of the engagement event that Voluntary Health Scotland held with voluntary health organisations on 1st July 2013, our Sounding Board on 22nd July will be a working meeting. We will facilitate a focused discussion on the questions above, to inform our response to the Committee’s call for evidence and to help inform your own response if you also intend to submit evidence.
Contact Susan Lowes or 0131 474 6190 to book a place.