May 2023
On the 10th May 2023, Voluntary Health Scotland held a Members Meet Up to discuss the Scottish Government’s review of the national outcomes and inform the VHS consultation response. We had 41 participants representing various third sector organizations, the event provided a platform for open dialogue and valuable insights. We have provided an anonymised note of the meeting to ensure people felt free to share their honest views. The Scottish Government’s consultation closes on Monday 5th June.
The meeting was chaired by Christine Carlin, a VHS board member with extensive experience in the civil service. We were honored to have Lesley Thomson from the Scottish Government consultation team and Lewis Ryder-Jones from Oxfam as guest speakers.
Scottish Government’s National Outcomes: Lesley Thomson provided an overview of the 11 national outcomes and 81 national indicators outlined in the National Performance Framework. These outcomes encompass Scotland’s direction, ambition, and values and are currently in the process of being reviewed.
‘Scotland that cares’: Lewis Ryder Jones, Oxfam, provided an update on the campaign which seeks to establish a national outcome on care. The focus extends beyond carers and unpaid carers to include parents and other forms of care that often go unnoticed. Valuing care in society was deemed essential by members at the meeting. VHS has supported the campaign and will be endorsing the calls for an outcome on care in our consultation response.
Some of the key issues raised during the meeting where:
- Bridging the implementation gap between the aspirations of the outcomes and their practical implementation.
- Refreshing the outcomes to address current challenges, such as the cost of living and climate change.
- Recognising the voluntary sector’s pivotal role in achieving these outcomes.
- Concerns about the disproportionate reporting burden falling on the third sector.
- The need for tighter monitoring of public authorities’ alignment with the outcomes.
You can read the full key messages here: Members Meet up: National Outcomes Review
You can access Lesley’s presentation here: Review of National Outcomes – Voluntary Health Scotland
For more information contact VHS Policy & Engagement Lead: Kimberley Somerside.