On 13 May 2014, Voluntary Health Scotland and Children in Scotland jointly delivered the first seminar in the Unequal Lives, Unjust Deaths series of events, examining health inequalities across the life course and the voluntary sector contribution to reducing, preventing and reversing these. This seminar specifically examined early years and children’s services. For children, inequalities in early life chances and experiences are already shaping their future prospects of a long and healthy life. There needs to be a significant focus on the early years to level the playing field of life.
The seminar received presentations from the following speakers:
Gerry McLaughlin, Chief Executive, NHS Health Scotland – The evidence base for tackling health inequalities
Alex Young, Tackling Poverty Team, Scottish Government – The Child Poverty Strategy for Scotland
Sally Ann Kelly, Senior Manager, 3rd Sector GIRFEC Project and Early Years Task Force – Learning from the Early Years Collaborative
Ewan Aitken, BBC Children in Need – A funder’s perspective (no presentation available)
The full report from the seminar is now available to view – Unequal Lives – Children & the Early Years