VHS was part of a group of third sector intermediaries that collaborated to submit a paper to the Ministerial Strategic Group (MSG) for Health and Community Care for consideration at its March 2018 meeting. It was drafted by SCVO, CCPS, and the Health and Social Care ALLIANCE, with support from the Third Sector Health and Social Care Collaborative, and Scottish Care. The MSG has promised the Collaborative we will receive a response in due course.
The paper is divided into four sections:
1. A short summary of the aims of policy and legislation with respect to the third and independent sectors’ engagement with integration
2. A review of the different ways the third and independent sectors can contribute to the success of integration
3. An assessment of how successful engagement has been, and the extent to which the aims of policy and legislation in that regard have been achieved
4. A conclusion about whether we are achieving the aims and specific recommendations for action by the MSG and other stakeholders
The paper concludes with the following recommendations for consideration and decision by the MSG:
- Recognise that more needs to be done to achieve the policy ambitions in relation to engagement of the third and independent sectors with integration.
- Create a routine method of engagement between the third and independent sectors and SPGs, with SPGs required to report to the IJB on how they have achieved this engagement and specifically what difference it has made.
- Urgently review the resources required to enable TSIs to act as effective brokers in scoping and promoting the potential of the sector within Integration bodies; thereby ensuring the mobilisation of all available assets in creating innovative solutions to staff shortages and increasing service demand.
- Review the practical mechanisms and resources by which the independent sector engages with both the IJB and the SPG.
- Review and update guidance on best practice in engaging with the full range of non-statutory integration partners and require IJBs to report on the resources provided to facilitate engagement.
- Introduce a requirement for more detail in strategic plans about how the shift to prevention and early intervention will be achieved.
- Work with relevant IJB and sector partners to improve the measurement of the effectiveness of steps taken to achieve the shift to prevention and early intervention and require IJBs to report this to the MSG annually.
- Show leadership in data and evidence use by drawing on third and independent sector data, information and evidence within integration planning; take measures to encourage more effective data sharing between the public sector and the third and independent sectors and invest in the development of skills and capability within the third sector to record, analyse and share data appropriately – as well as use public sector data in their own planning processes.
- Support and ensure progress on the recommendation of the National Health and Social Care Workforce Plan Part 2 (the ‘National Plan’) : ‘to develop guidance for IJBs and commissioning partners and local authorities and NHS Boards that supports partnership working for the formulation of workforce plans at regional and local level that include consideration of the third and independent sector workforce’
- Strengthen leadership on the changing nature of skills required and greater coordinated engagement from Scotland’s enterprise and skills agencies.
- Consider and identify resources to enable wider engagement with workforce planning both nationally and locally.
Read the paper in full:
Third and Independent Sector Engagement with Health and Social Care Integration