Voluntary Health Scotland is delighted to share the following news from Scottish Government about the Engagement Matrix – a planning tool to encourage active engagement between NHS Boards and the Third Sector – that we and our partners have played a leading role in delivering and promoting. The Engagement Matrix can be accessed at: http://www.scotland.gov.uk/Topics/Health/Policy/Quality-Strategy/Quality-Alliance-Board/Third-Sector
In May last year. Scottish Government asked all NHS Boards and their third sector partners, to use the Matrix, to identify one topic area of what is working well in partnership in order to promote shared working. Each NHS Board area used the Matrix in a different way with varying detail. As all submitted matrices were submitted on the understanding that they would be shared with NHS Boards and third sector, an electronic zip file (13mb) of the completed matrices (unedited) has been compiled and is available on request until 31 August 2014. Please email Dot Hartley if you would like to submit a request.
Click here to access the Overview report on using the Engagement Matrix – NHS and Third Sector