The ALLIANCE held a celebration event on 23 August to commemorate 10 years of its links worker programme. In 2014, the Health and Social Care Alliance Scotland (the ALLIANCE) began a pilot for the Scottish Government which focused on links workers in Primary Care. The programme saw 7 Community Links Practitioners (CLPs) start their journey working in 7 Deep End GP practices across Glasgow. Over the last 10 years the programme has grown significantly and the ALLIANCE now employs more than 80 CLPs across Glasgow and West Dunbartonshire.
It also has a successful partnership with the Trussell Trust which embeds links workers in their foodbanks. The ALLIANCE also recently announced their latest venture with SGN which will see 2 Energy Efficiency Outreach Workers supporting patients referred through the Links Worker Programme, the aim being to tackle fuel poverty and support individuals to manage their fuel bills.
Their celebration event saw some of the CLW team, along with invited guests from their original 7 GP practices, HSCP, Scottish Government, third sector and statutory service teams come together at the Glasgow Women’s Library. Dr Peter Cawston, Deep End GP and their original clinical lead and Nuala Watt, poet and activist gave short presentations. The ALLIANCE’s Chief Officer Susan Young, the Programme Manager Colette Mason, as well as community links practitioners (CLPs) Gayle Weir and Phil Donnelly also attended. Participants were also able to watch a video from two CLPs Lorna Robertson and Laura Donovan which showcased the Young Adult Project they help to facilitate and which included input from one of the participants and their mum.
The ALLIANCE have also produced a 10 year celebration Recording of Learning which they hope people will enjoy reading.
For more information about the Alliance’s links worker programme, please visit their website