The final meeting of the CPG on Health Inequalities this Parliamentary session was on 25th February 2016, with Stewart Mercer, Professor of Primary Care Research, University of Glasgow and Director of the Scottish School of Primary Care, and Graham Watt, Professor of General Practice, University of Glasgow and Co-ordinator of General Practitioners at the Deep End giving a joint presentation on: Research Matters: What can NHS Scotland do to Prevent and Rescue Health Inequalities?
The presentation discussed how existing health inequalities can be mitigated by the NHS and what policies could improve health in disadvantaged areas, close the gap and reduce health inequalities in the shorter term.
View the presentations:
Stewart Mercer CPG Presentation
Gozie Joe Adigwe, Senior Eye Health and Equalities Officer, at RNIB Scotland then gave an update on research in to health inequalities in the sight loss sector.
View the presentation:
Gozie Joe Adigwe RNIB CPG Presentation
View the draft minutes: Draft Minutes for meeting 25 February 2016
We welcome new group members: Centre for Health Policy, University of Strathclyde, Changeworks, Changing Faces, Energy Action Scotland, Fife Society for the Blind, LGBT Health and Wellbeing, Scottish Families Affected by Alcohol & Drugs, Shelter Scotland and The Open University.
If you have any queries about the CPG please email Lauren Blair.
Read the minutes of the last meeting of the CPG on Health Inequalities, covering the topic Health& Social Care Integration: CPG web page.
After the election on 5th May, as Secretariat of the CPG on Health Inequalities VHS will re-register the group in line with the Code of Conduct, and will then advise members when the next meeting date is.