The Long Term Conditions Alliance Scotland (LTCAS) is delighted to have recruited a new team to take forward a programme designed to boost the influence and impact of the sector within the Reshaping Care for Older People (RCOP) Change Fund.
The team will be in place by the end of June and will:
- Provide a central policy, research and evaluation resource to the sector in relation to health and social care
- Support sharing of learning, exchange of good practice and ‘scaling up’ of successful approaches
- Build on existing research to provide a picture of the third sector’s experience of the Change Fund and reflect this back to the Scottish Government
- Seek to develop closer linkage between national and local third sector organisations, including Third Sector Interfaces
- Work with third sector organisations to increase the voice of older people and unpaid carers within the RCOP agenda
This programme is supported by a grant from the Scottish Government Third Sector Division and Joint Improvement Team. It represents an essential investment in the capacity of the sector at a time when significant developments are taking place in health and social care.
Helen Macneil, Chief Executive, Glasgow Council for Voluntary Services said:
“As a national programme, Reshaping Care for Older People is tasked with making a profound, positive improvement to the future quality of life of older people in Scotland, and the care they receive in homely settings. RCOP will require the creation of a whole new generation of community-based services in localities across Scotland.
The Third Sector’s potential contribution to RCOP is major; Third Sector Interfaces, as local Third Sector support agencies, are delighted that in future they will be able to call on the resources of this Team, based at LTCAS, and that all Third Sector support organisations are committed to working together to properly realise the Third Sector’s potential”.
The programme is being delivered in partnership with: Voluntary Action Scotland (VAS), Coalition of Care and Support Providers in Scotland (CCPS), Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) and Scottish Federation of Housing Associations (SFHA).
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