Voluntary Health Scotland currently sits on a Partnership Delivery Group (PDG), alongside the Scottish Police Authority, Police Scotland, COSLA and other health and social care partners. The PDG was established to act on the findings of His Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary in Scotland (HMICS) Thematic Review of Policing and Mental Health in Scotland.
The PDG has produced a new draft Framework for Collaboration to support increased partnership working in responding to and supporting people in distress. VHS and our members have now been given the opportunity to influence the development of this Framework.
The Framework describes the role of key mental health services and provides an outline of the different tiers of the support, care and treatment pathway:
- Tier one is targeted at people with low support needs, though they may have previously met the criteria for the other tiers, with the aim of prevention and early intervention, meaning services and support at this level usually support people to stay well and maintain a good level of wellbeing.
- Tier two provides early intervention and is aimed at people seeking further support with managing their health and wellbeing, or with improving their situation.
- Tier three consists of more specialist services and requires a referral from Primary Care or another health and/or social care professional.
- And tier four is targeted at people who have high and/or complex support needs, and consists of very specialist care and treatment, often requiring inpatient or residential care.
The vital role of third sector services is stressed within each of these tiers.
The Framework also proposes the establishment of new Multi-Agency Forums, with representation from local agencies and service providers (including third sector partners). Through these new Multi-Agency Forums, local agencies and service providers will identify and agree how they will work together, share information and make decisions.
Voluntary Health Scotland is encouraged by the Framework’s consideration and inclusion of the third sector. On behalf of our members, we will stress the third sector’s vital role as a key mental health service in Scotland.
If you would be interested in supporting the development of this Framework, please get in touch with our Policy Engagement Lead, Matthew James.