Parliamentary Debate Briefing for MSPs
December 2022
Following the publication of the Health, Social Care & Sport Committee’s report on health inequalities and the Scottish Government’s response, there is due to be a debate in parliament on Wednesday 14 December on the findings.
Ahead of the committee debate, Voluntary Health Scotland has drafted a briefing for MSPs highlighting the recent work of the Health Inequalities Cross Party Group and how this links into the findings of the Health, Social Care & Sport Committee inquiry into health inequalities. The briefing has been endorsed by 27 organisations who are also members of the CPG, a list is included below.
In the briefing we endorse the findings and recommendations of the inquiry and have made two additional asks:
- That a new Commissioner for Health Inequalities in Scotland should be established to provide dedicated national leadership to ensure a cross-sectoral approach. This was a recommendation from the Scottish Government’s Short Life Working Group on Primary Care Health Inequalities.
- That the Scottish Government includes clear action to reduce health inequalities and work towards its ambition of a “Health In All Policy” approach in its upcoming Budget. Including sufficient, sustainable and multi-year funding for the third sector if it is to continue providing support for communities under the current economic challenges.
You can read the full briefing here: Health Inequalities Debate Briefing for MSPs
The next two meetings of the Health Inequalities Cross Party Group will cover unpaid carers on Wednesday 14 December followed by health inequalities in prisons in February.
The briefing has been endorsed by:
Asthma + Lung UK Scotland
Barnardo’s Scotland
British Dietetic Association (BDA Scotland Board)
Children’s Health Scotland
COPE Scotland
Diabetes Scotland
EVOC (Edinburgh Voluntary Organisations’ Council)
Faith in Older People
Families Outside
Food Train Scotland
Glasgow Centre for Population Health
Glasgow Council on Alcohol
Health and Social Care Alliance Scotland (the ALLIANCE)
Home-Start UK
Kidney Research UK
Living Streets Scotland
Marie Curie
MRC/CSO Social and Public Health Sciences Unit
Obesity Action Scotland
RNIB Scotland
Royal Pharmaceutical Society
RoSPA (The Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents)
Scotland Versus Arthritis
Scottish Community Safety Network
Scottish Families Affected by Alcohol and Drugs
VOX Scotland
Thank you to all the organisations who have supported our asks. For more information about the briefing or debate please contact our Policy and Engagement Lead, Kimberley.