Lynsey Brodie and Kirsty McDonald are Community Links Workers with the Alliance in Glasgow. Their blog below describes the walking tour of Glasgow that they organised in September for their health walk groups.
During Self Management Month in September, the Alliance organised a series of events promoting self-management health and wellbeing. The Links Worker Programme had a walking tour of Glasgow Necropolis to bring together the 15 health walk groups run by Links Workers in the city and to highlight the health and wellbeing benefits of walking.
The walk was attended by 58 people including walkers from the Health Walk groups, Walk Leaders, the Good Move Walking Team from Glasgow Life and our Paths for All Development Officer. We had a lovely day of end of summer sunshine for our walk on 21st September and enjoyed a buffet lunch together after the walk to regroup and have time to chat to other people.
The Links Worker Programme has an annual summer walk bringing together the various walking groups across the city. We weren’t able to do this since 2019 so it was a really special day for us, being able to bring our groups together again to encourage walking, talking and meeting new people to help us all self-manage our health and wellbeing
You can read more and see lots of lovely photos and quotes from our Necropolis walk here
Kirsty McDonald and Lynsey Brodie are Community Links Workers with the Alliance