Over the last few months Voluntary Health Scotland and the Scottish Community Link Worker Network have been carrying out research to find out more about community link worker programmes across Scotland.
We wanted to learn more about the differences, and identify any similarities, in how programmes are designed, delivered, and evaluated across the country. We hope that by doing so we can help develop a greater understanding of how programmes work, help Scottish Community Link Worker Network members identify and share good practice, and inform Voluntary Health Scotland and Scottish Community Link Worker Network activity over the next twelve months.
We have collected data from a range of sources including:
- Desk based analysis of existing research and publications.
- An online survey of community link workers across Scotland.
- Interviews with community link worker programme leads across Scotland.
We would like to thank everybody who has taken the time to participate in the project, the information provided has given us an invaluable insight into the work that link workers do across Scotland.
You can read some of the interim findings, presented at the Scottish Community Link Worker Network Annual Conference in May 2023, here:
Briefing Paper: Scottish Community Link Worker Network – Mapping Research
For more information, please contact: Findlay Smith – Policy and Research Officer