![members at VHS conference](https://vhscotland.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/ANNUAL-CONFERENCE-MULTIPLE-DELEGATES-LANDSCAPE-1-2019-800x400.jpg)
The Scottish Parliament’s Participation & Communities Team (PACT) hosted an online Parliamentary Awareness Event for the Health Policy Officers Network (HPON) on Thursday 31 March at 11:00-12:00. This provided policy officers with the opportunity to learn about how best to engage with the Scottish Parliament and its processes.
We heard from PACT colleagues alongside the Scottish Parliament Information Centre (SPICe) about engaging with the Scottish Parliament and parliamentarians, the role of SPICe and the upcoming work of the Health, Social Care & Sport Committee and COVID-19 Recovery Committee. It also provided the network an opportunity to ask questions of the policy and engagement experts in parliament!
The network was incredibly grateful to Sofia for hosting the event alongside her colleagues.
The HPON Parliamentary Engagement Key Messages are available.
A Summary of the PACT presentation summary of the PACT presentation is also available.
For more information about joining the network or this event please contact Kimberley.