Guidance on SOAs was published on the Scottish Government website on 4th December. The Guidance is designed to ensure the next round of Single Outcome Agreements ‘puts prevention at the heart of public services’.
Scottish Government has sent the new Guidance to Community Planning Partnership (CPP) Managers and there will be a Scottish Government/COSLA letter to CPP Chairs, Local Authority and Health Board Chief Executives and Chief Constables. There will also be a Cabinet Secretary for Health follow-up letter to Chairs of NHS Boards and a Cabinet Secretary for Finance letter to public bodies.
Key priorities for the next round of SOAs have been agreed as:
- Economic recovery and growth
- Employment
- Early years
- Safer and stronger communities, and reducing offending
- Health inequalities and physical activity
- Outcomes for older people.
Voluntary Health Scotland has drawn the Guidance to the attention of the Third Sector and Health Boards Leads Network, as there is clear scope for collaboration between health and the third sector on a number of these priorities.