Voluntary Health Scotland is holding a sounding board on Friday 17 January 2014, to discuss the Community Empowerment (Scotland) Bill.
The Scottish Government launched its consultation on the Community Empowerment (Scotland) Bill on 6th November 2013. The proposed Bill aims to make the most of the talents that exist in our communities; deliver high quality and improving public services; and support strong local democracy and local decision-making. The Scottish Government is consulting on the draft Bill until 24 January 2014.
The session on the 17 January 2014 (2pm- 4pm) at the Mansfield Traquair Centre, will provide a focused opportunity for detailed discussion around the Bill. There
won’t be a formal presentation or speakers talking about the Bill, but there will plenty of opportunity to express what matters to your organisation, what you think will work and what you’d like to see included. This discussion will then help to inform Voluntary Health Scotland’s response to the consultation – we would like to ensure that community-led health priorities are given as much chance of influencing the Bill as possible.
If you are interested in attending the discussion, email Susan Lowes.