The Cross Party Group on Health Inequalities met on 3rd May 2018 to discuss the relationship between fuel poverty and health inequalities.
The meeting was chaired by Donald Cameron MSP and saw presentations from:
Lisa Glass, Senior Campaigns and Policy Officer at Shelter Scotland who introduced the topic of fuel poverty in Scotland, the links with health and health inequalities, and set the policy context for tackling it.
View Lisa’s presentation: Lisa Glass, Shelter
Liz Marquis, Director of Energy Agency who introduced the topic of the Scottish Government’s Home Energy Efficiency Programme for Scotland, which aims to tackle fuel poverty by increasing the energy efficiency of domestic buildings.
View Liz’s presentation: Liz Marquis, Energy Agency
Teresa Bray, Chief Executive of Changeworks spoke about delivering practical partnerships with health services and improving the energy efficiency of homes.
View Teresa’s presentation: Teresa Bray, Changeworks
You can read the full draft CPG minutes which include information about future meetings here:Cross Party Group on Health Inequalities
For more information about the CPG on Health Inequalities or the VHS Annual Conference, contact Lauren Blair