Voluntary Health Scotland are committed to working with voluntary health organisations during the COVID-19 Pandemic. We know that organisations are facing a range of challenges as they strive to continue to deliver support and services to vulnerable people and as such are working with Scottish Government to raise awareness of these issues and to find solutions.
Many of you will be aware that the Scottish Government have announced £350 million worth of funding for third and community sector organisations. The funding has been divided into four separate funds, the third Sector Resilience Fund, the Supporting Communities Fund, Wellbeing Fund and the National Emergencies Trust. The Third Sector Resilience Fund has now been launched and aims to support organisations across the third sector who are at risk of closure due to a sharp decrease in income or that are unable to deliver their services during this difficult period.
We are working with the Scottish Government to gather information on what the voluntary health sector’s needs are and what they are doing to tackle issues and help vulnerable groups, what they would like to do and what resource is required. This information will help to identify how the Supporting Communities and Wellbeing Fund could be used. We are particularly interested in how organisations are helping communities and individuals to stay connected and what organisations need in order to continue to provide vital services to vulnerable groups and communities.
We would be grateful if you could please complete this very short survey which has a total of four questions. If you would like to discuss any of the issues further or have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact Kiren Zubairi, Policy and Engagement Officer at Kiren.Zubairi@vhscotland.org.uk
You can access the survey here – https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/Covid-19VoluntaryHealthSectorSurvey
The deadline for completing the survey is Tuesday 31st March 2020.