In April 2012 the Improvement Service undertook a baseline survey of Community Planning arrangements in Scotland, to inform the joint Scottish Government / COSLA review of Community Planning and Single Outcome Agreements.
The survey asked Community Planning Partnerships (CPPs) about the membership and operation of their boards, of their executive groups, of their thematic groups and partnerships, and of their localised Community Planning arrangements.
Each of the 32 CPPs in Scotland responded to the survey and of these, 30 had a CPP Board with third sector representation in the form of the local third sector Interface. 16 of these also have representation from community groups.
30 CPPs have a delivery group variously described as executive, working or senior officer group and the third sector sits on 19 of these groups while community groups are represented on five.
20 Community Planning Partnerships have localised Community Planning arrangements and of these 18, or 90%, have third sector input, while 16 have involvement of community organisations.
While the survey did not look at either the level of impact or influence the third sector involvement in CPPs had, it is encouraging that there is such a high level of engagement of the sector in Community Planning.
The full report is on the Improvement Service website.