Work with volunteers in an NHS setting?
From a third sector organisation?
Then find out more about Clear Pathway!
Launched as part of Volunteers’ Week, Clear Pathway is a collaborative project exploring safe, effective and person centred volunteering in NHS settings, with the focus on volunteers recruited and managed by third sector organisations.
Clear Pathway is of interest to anyone in the NHS working with volunteers and to third sector organisations who engage volunteers in NHS settings.
Clear Pathway will inform the development of guidance, good practice case studies and increase partnership working around volunteering.
Through engaging with stakeholders in Clear Pathway will capture information about the challenges, practice, opportunities and extent of third sector volunteering in NHS settings.
Clear Pathway supporting the third sector and NHS to develop clear pathways for safe, effective and person centred volunteering in health
Sign up to be kept informed or to get involved, contact Lesley Munro, Clear Pathway Manager: lesley.munro@vhscotland.org.uk