Nourish Scotland and Voluntary Health Scotland held an event on 22nd May, to discuss how the reform of Healthy Start into Best Start Foods in Scotland can best Benefit our low-income families.
We heard from the Scottish Government’s Welfare Foods team about their proposals for a new Best Start Foods scheme, and from Sandra Passmore from Birmingham City Council about their fantastic work trying to understand and break the barriers to Healthy Start uptake in Birmingham. Attendees included individuals, third-sector organisations, community groups, local authorities, and retailers who came together to learn from each other and think creatively about solutions that will enable Scotland to lead the way in the UK in tackling dietary health inequalities and closing the attainment gap.
The Scottish Government are currently consulting on Welfare Foods and we hope to use some of the messages from this event in our own response to the consultation which can be found here.
You can read the Key Messages from the day here – Best Start Foods Event Key Messages
For more information please contact:
Celia Nyssens, Policy Officer Nourish Scotland: celia@nourishscotland.org.uk
Kiren Zubairi, Policy Engagement Officer, Voluntary Health Scotland: Kiren.zubairi@vhscotland.org.uk