Argyll and Bute Health and Social Care Partnership has recently published a report showcasing the progress it has made over the last 3 years since it introduced its CLW programme. The programme which is delivered in the region by We Are With You has received very positive feedback, particularly from those patients who have benefited from the service:
‘The Links Worker was my lifeline.’
‘It has certainly helped me through a very dark time in my life.’
And it isn’t just the patients that rate the service; the GPs whose practices use the service also feel very positive about the support that the CLWs in Argyll and Bute are providing. As one GP said,
‘the CLW is worth their weight in gold….we don’t want to lose this service’
The most common reason for a referral to a CLW in Argyll and Bute is to support patients’ mental health and wellbeing, followed by loneliness and isolation and financial advice.
Read more about Community Link Working in Argyll and Bute