VHS Annual Conference 2022: Fair Health- Who gets it?
26/10/2022 @ 10:00 am - 4:15 pm
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Wednesday 26th October 2022, Radisson Blu Hotel, Glasgow
Book your place here.
Fair Health, Who gets it?
Our first face to face conference since the pandemic, we are delighted to return to Glasgow with a fantastic programme of thought provoking speakers and panellists, interactive workshops, exhibitors, and our always popular poster gallery and bloggers.
The pandemic and the cost of living crisis continue to drive Scotland’s widening health inequalities into sharp relief. How can communities, third sector and public sector organisations work jointly to reduce health inequalities within local communities? What must change in order to support local level actions and align national policy and legislation behind them? How do we engender macro-level change to influence the wider determinants of health inequalities?
Our conference is relevant to health charities, other third sector and community organisations, TSIs, NHS staff and boards, health and social care partnerships, universities, Royal Colleges, government officials, and public sector scrutiny bodies.
Conference Agenda
9,00 – 10am- Registration, refreshments, breakfast and exhibition viewing
10.00- 11.15am- Session One
Conference Chair- Justina Murray, CEO, Scottish Families Affected by Alcohol & Drugs
Conference Welcomer- Claire Stevens, Chief Executive, Voluntary Health Scotland
Keynote Speakers:
- Jason Leitch CBE, National Clinical Director, Scottish Government
- Chris Creegan, Strategic Adviser and Chair of the Expert Advisory Panel, Health Foundation review of health inequalities in Scotland
11.15- 11.35am -Refreshments, poster viewing and exhibition viewing
11.35am – 12.30pm- Session Two
Realistic Medicine, Communities and Inequalities Panelists:
- Alison Leitch, Community Link Worker, Assistant Service Manager, EVOC
- Sandra MacAllister, Senior Health Improvement Specialist, NHS Highland
- Roddy Samson, Welfare Advice Service Facilitator, Improvement Service, iHub
- Anna Baxendale, Head of Health Improvement, Glasgow City Health and Social Care Partnership
12.30- 13.20pm- Lunch, refreshments, poster and exhibition viewing
13.20- 14.20pm- Session Three
National Care Service Bill Round Table Discussion Leader:
Ewan Masson, Community Participation Specialist, Scottish Parliament
Anne Jepson, Senior Researcher, Health and Social Care, Scottish Parliament Information Centr
Alex Bruce, Lead Clerk, Scottish Parliament
14.20-14.35pm comfort break and poster and exhibition viewing
14.35- 16.15 pm- Session Four
Racialised Health Inequalities Round Table Discussion Leader:
Andrea Lenssen and Rahima Kashim, Racialised Health Inequalities & Health Equity, Scottish Government
Poster presenters and winner of the 2022 Annual Poster Competition: Contributors to this session to be announced.
Our Finalists are:
Action for ME : Learn about ME
ASH Scotland: Engaging communities towards being smoke-free: reducing poverty and health inequalities
Chest Heart and Stroke Scotland: A year of Community Health Defence
COPE Scotland: Challenges on the sea of life and what can sustain us
Families Outside: Hidden Sentences
Kidney Research UK: Diversity in organ donation within Scotland
See Me: With Fairness in Mind
Sleep Scotland: Healthy sleep- who gets it?
The Health and Social care Alliance Scotland (The ALLIANCE) : Fair Health
The Health and Social Care Alliance Scotland (the ALLIANCE) : Protecting human rights in an evolving digital landscape
16:15- Conference Close
Costs to attend:
- VHS full members: £48
- Other third sector: £70
- Public Sector: £90
***Conference is now fully booked***
Our 2022 Poster Competition
Our annual poster competition is back and we have our finalists selected! All finalists posters will be on display at the conference. We will have a live vote to crown the winning poster on the day of the conference.
Our Exhibitors:
Please get in touch with Lauren Blair for more information.