The Wellbeing Alliance: Tackling Public Health Prevention from the Inside out
26/05/2015 @ 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
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Health problems and GP consultations involving mental health issues are more than twice as prevalent in deprived areas as affluent areas, and are the commonest
co morbidity. Depression is recorded in 1:6 patients with chronic conditions in Scotland. How can people in low states of mind hear public health messages and are they likely to act upon them and how can we collectively improve the take up of public health messages in society, thus improving the wellbeing and resilience of our citizens?
Relatively new to the UK, innate health or progressive wellbeing model has been utilized to great effect in the USA over the last 35 years, in fields as diverse as business efficacy, stress management, criminal justice, marriage counselling and education. The progressive wellbeing model has been applied in a variety of challenging settings. An early project, which garnered national publicity under the leadership of Dr Roger Mills, introduced innate Health to residents of a pair of low-income housing developments in Miami known as Modello and Homestead Gardens. After three years, there were major documented reductions in crime, drug dealing, teenage pregnancy, child abuse, child neglect, unemployment and families on benefits.
One of our Panel ,Dr Jack Pransky has chronicled the transformation that unfolded there, in his book Modello, A Story of Hope for the Inner City and Beyond. Later projects in some of the most severely violence-ridden housing developments in New York, Minnesota, and California and in other communities in California, Hawaii, and Colorado built upon the early experience in the Modello/Homestead work. The Coliseum Gardens housing complex in Oakland, California, for example, had previously had the fourth highest murder rate of such a complex in the US, but after Innate health classes were launched, the homicide rate began to decline. The Progressive Wellbeing model has also found application in police departments, prisons, mental health clinics, community health clinics, nursing and drug rehabilitation programs.
The Wellbeing Alliance with their Alliance Partners are raising the profile of the benefits of progressive wellbeing to encourage discussion, debate and a move towards utilizing this understanding to improve the health and wellbeing of Scotland’s citizens via their Centre for Progressive Wellbeing .
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