National Community Link Worker Scotland Network Event 15 June
15/06/2021 @ 10:00 am - 12:00 pm
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***This event is aimed specifically at Community Link Workers who are working directly within a Primary Care setting in Scotland. Managers/Programme Leads for these Community Link Workers are also welcome to attend.***
VHS would like to invite Community Link Workers who are embedded in primary care settings across Scotland to join us at one of our 3 engagement events in June. These engagement events are the first step in consulting them about the establishment of a national network for Community Link Workers in Scotland.
The booking link on this page is for Tuesday 15th June at 10am-12pm
The Scottish Government is funding a short-life project to scope and establish a national network and community of practice for Community Link Workers (CLWs) in primary care practices across Scotland. VHS has been invited to undertake this development work between now and October 2021 and will be asking Community Link Workers as well as their managers to feed into this project.
The objective of the short-life project is to support the creation of a national network that will:
- enable CLWs to share learning, develop, network and support each other in order to improve outcomes for their patients and communities
- strengthen the contribution of CLWs to primary care teams, and
- help tackle health inequalities.
At these events we want to hear directly from CLWs so that they can share their ideas about the most inclusive way of forming an appropriate national platform, network or community of practice, and one which will facilitate opportunities for shared learning, CPD and peer support for Community Link Workers across Scotland.
Book your place here.
Please contact Lauren Blair with any questions about the event.
If you have questions about the National Network for Community Link Workers in Scotland, please contact Roisin Hurst. If you can’t attend any of the June meetings but wish to be updated on future progress of the Network, please get in touch.
We will be holding 3 initial engagement events on (click the date to book):
Thursday 10th June at 10am-12pm