Health Inequalities Cross Party Group Meeting: March 2017
30/03/2017 @ 3:15 pm - 5:00 pm
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The next meeting for the Cross Party Group on Health Inequalities will take place in the Scottish Parliament on Thursday 30th March 2017 in Committee Room 6.
At this meeting the Group will consider the built environment, housing and the relationship with health inequalities. Confirmed to speak at this meeting:
- Professor Jamie Pearce, Centre for Research on Environment Society and Health (CRESH), University of Edinburgh
Presentation: Jamie Pearce, University of Edinburgh
- James Joplin, Executive Director for Scotland, Samaritans
Presentation: James Jopling, Samaritans
Agenda CPG Health Inequalities 30 March 2017
Draft Minutes from this meeting : Health Inequalities CPG- DRAFT Minutes 30 March 2017