Health Inequalities Cross Party Group Meeting
19/01/2017 @ 1:00 pm - 2:15 pm
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The next meeting for the Cross Party Group on Health Inequalities will take place in the Scottish Parliament on Thursday19th January 2017 in Committee Room 6.
As proposed by Monica Lennon MSP, at this meeting the Group will consider the built environment and its relationship with health inequalities. VHS will identify speakers to address this topic and advise who they are in due course. We anticipate including an input from NHS Health Scotland on the Place Standard.
At this meeting MSPs will also consider applications from a number of organisations that have advised us they wish to join the CPG.
NB Non-MSP members should arrive in the Parliament by 12.40 pm at the latest, to allow time to be escorted to the room. Tea/coffee and shortbread will be available for each meeting. Please register to attend the meeting by emailing Lauren Blair