Falling off a cliff at 65: mental health in later life – second round table
30/10/2019 @ 1:30 pm - 3:30 pm
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This is the second in our series of cross-sectoral round tables on this topic. The project is a collaboration between VHS and Support in Mind Scotland, with the support of Faith in Older People, and kindly hosted by the Royal College of Physicians Edinburgh.
The first round table explored the serious gaps in awareness, policy and practice concerning the health and care needs of people aged 65+ who have serious mental health issues such as schizophrenia, bipolar disorder or depression. Some people with mental illness are ‘falling off a cliff’ at 65 because of these gaps.
The second round table is being convened to look at new evidence that VHS has been gathering, with the support of NHS Health Scotland’s Knowledge Services, in the intervening months.
This is a by-invitation only event, but if you have a particular interest and believe you have something to contribute to the discussion, please contact Lauren Blair.