Health Inequalities Cross Party Group
25/10/2016 @ 5:30 pm - 6:30 pm
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As Secretariat to the Scottish Parliament Cross Party Group on Health Inequalities we are pleased to announce its first meeting is set for Tuesday 25th October 2016, 5.30-6.30pm in the Scottish Parliament.
This is a short business meeting to formally propose that the Group is registered for the Scottish Parliamentary Session 5 (May 2016 to March 2021).
The agenda will cover: confirmation of the purpose of the CPG; intended topics for discussion during the next 12 months; membership of MSPs and non-MSPs, and the appointment of office bearers.
Donald Cameron MSP, Anas Sarwar MSP and Clare Haughey MSP are proposed for election as the CPG’s Co-Convenors.
The meeting is an opportunity to confirm the registered purpose of the CPG:
“The group aims to raise awareness of the causes of health inequalities amongst parliamentarians to influence legislation and amongst policy makers to promote evidence based actions which reduce health inequalities and to avoid legislation and policies which will make health inequalities in Scotland worse.”
Current Members of the Health Inequalities CPG
This is just a short meeting with limited space and we are prioritising MSPs who wish to attend. However, your support for the registration process would be very welcome so please get in touch if you wish to attend the meeting:Email Lauren Blair or call 0131 474 6189.