Action for Sick Children Scotland Conference
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Person Centred Healthcare for Children and Young People, Myth or Reality?
Action for Sick Children Scotland’s conference will explore the extent to which NHS provision for children and young people meets their needs and involves them in their healthcare. Is Scotland meeting its obligations under the UNCRC to uphold their health rights? How will the Children & Young People (Scotland) Act 2014 impact on children and young people’s health agenda?
Chaired by Dr Kate McKay, Senior Medical Officer in Scotland and Professor George Youngson, Speakers include:
- Michael Matheson MSP Minister for Public Health Getting it right – Tackling the health and wellbeing challenges of Children and Young People in Scotland
- Tam Baillie Scotland’s Commissioner for Children & Young People Children’s Rights – now and beyond the Children and Young People Act
- Kirsteen Ellis Scottish Patient Safety Paediatric & Neonatal Programme Lead Do Young People fit Into the Scottish Patient Safety Programme?
- Caroline Johnston Parent and Susan Milne Community Nurse Team Leader NHS Forth Valley Good Delivery of Care at Home
- Professor George Youngson Age Appropriate Care
Debate/discussion on education, health, adult services. Speakers include:
- Anne Burnett Hospital Outreach Teaching Service, Edinburgh
- Young Person on their experience
- Sally Cavers Enquire Manager
- Dr Una Macfadyen, Consultant Paediatrician, Forth Valley Royal Hospital
- Morag Moore, Charge Nurse, Teenagers & Young People Unit, Western General Hospital
- Dr Liza Morton Scottish Campaign Manager (voluntary), The Somerville Foundation
- Dr Lance Sloan Consultant in Rehabilitation Medicine, Cameron Hospital
- Kieran Wardrop Scottish Congenital Cardiac Network
- David Watt Scottish Government Education Additional Support for Learning
- Laura Wiggins Principal Physiotherapist, Specialist Children’s Services NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde
Who should attend?
If you work with, or are involved with children and young people in healthcare, education, social services, voluntary organisations, or are a parent or carer, then this is your chance to see how health services provide for and involve children and young people. Paediatricians attending this event may claim up to 5 credits, in accordance with the current RCPCH CPD guidelines.
For information on conference programme and to book online go to: